The Rail Component – Network Rail: Network Rail has confirmed that the tendering process for the
GRIP 3 stage of the Levenmouth project is proceeding which will see options
developed for progression towards a single infrastructure option looking at
exact llocation of stations, loops, crossings and other aspects). They expect
to announce the GRIP 3 contract award before the end of the year. LMRC
is encouraged also that, recognising the importance and value of engaging with
local communities, they hope to appoint a communication and liaison officer.
Thus when the detailed studies commence, local communication and community
activity will increase so we should gain a better idea of what is going on and
how the community may be able to provide knowledge, expectations and possibly
influence decisions.
The Levenmouth Blueprint Component: Fife Council has
readvertised for a Levenmouth Reconnected Blueprint Programme Manager The Blueprint Programme
is likely to cover both the additional £10million funds from Scottish Govt and
Fife Council but also aspects of the closely related River Leven Project
connectivity component. The Vacancy ad tells us a little more about what is
envisaged, looking for an 5 year fulltime appointment “to lead and deliver
an effective, efficient and competent programme of activity and projects in
support of the development and implementation of Levenmouth Reconnected
Blueprint. They are seeking a candidate with significant experience
implementing large or organisation wide projects, with the ability to manage
complex inter-related delivery plans.
Responsibilities include input to the development, implementation,
monitoring and review of the Levenmouth Reconnected Blueprint with specialist
tasks including:- Ensuring the successful implementation of the Levenmouth
Reconnected Blueprint programme, working with both internal and external
partners to identify, instigate, oversee and ensure reporting on
contributing projects. Prioritising and identifying further
opportunities for local and regional working which could include neighbouring
local authorities, SUSTRANS, SEStran, SEPA, Visit Scotland, third sector,
local businesses, etc. Ensuring that the economic growth is realised
in Levenmouth and the Mid-Fife area and communities in Fife through the
planning, development and construction.