StARLink – The St Andrews rail link campaign – 34 years on!

It’s been 34 years since Jane Ann Liston began her fight for a St Andrews train station – and her resolve hasn’t faded.

Jane Ann has been campaigning to create a rail link to the university town since 1989 when she set up the StARLink campaign (StARLink News (

While studying in St Andrews – for a second time – it became obvious to the then 33-year-old Jane Ann that a train station was a no-brainer.

And though much has changed since the 80s, Jane Ann believes the need for a railway link has outlasted leg warmers.

Jane Ann was recently awarded Railfuture’s “Campaigner of the Year” award and an excellent article about the history of the campaign is given in this article that appeared in “The Courier”

How Jane Ann Liston began fight for St Andrews train station (